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Just playing on Braves field defeats the Yankees. The Braves didn’t have to do the work. I know this is a stretch but stranger things have happened.

On August 2, 1931, the Yankees are shut out by the Red Sox at Braves Field, 1-0.

It will be another two years and a day, a major league record spanning three hundred and eight games, before the Bronx Bombers are blanked again.

Today the site is home to Nickerson Field on the campus of Boston University. The stadium was home of the Boston Braves from 1915–1952, prior to the Braves’ move to Milwaukee in 1953.

The stadium hosted the 1936 Major League Baseball All-Star Game and Braves home games during the 1948 World Series.

The Boston Red Sox used Braves Field for their home games in the 1915 and 1916 World Series since the stadium had a larger seating capacity than Fenway Park.

Braves Field was the site of Babe Ruth’s final season, playing for the Braves in 1935.

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